Saturday, May 18, 2013

Piano Recital

Here are excessively long videos of my kids' piano recital. Unless you're a doting aunt or grandparent, it's probably not super interesting. However, there ARE a few doting aunts running around, so...
The sound like a tea kettle half-way through her Beethoven piece is the piano movers-- they take their lessons in a piano store!

I'm sad we didn't get a picture of Elliott's grin when he was done.  So proud!


GrammaSandy43 said...

Lets say we become Aunts, Uncles Spiritually!! Lov Your Children Playing piano ~~ On the road / great start !! Happy to hear !!Love &Take care Ron

Unknown said...

What a great job by both. I remember having to do that as a kid.

Olivia Vaughan said...

Thankfully I'm a doting aunt. :) I love how Elliott's feet don't touch the ground.

Debbie said...

I might not be your children's aunt but I really enjoyed watching these videos